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SolidsVac Pump Pompa Lumpur SV100-SPDK

Update Terakhir
06 / 03 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit



Detail SolidsVac Pump Pompa Lumpur SV100-SPDK

Pompa Lumpur
Vacuum Loading Solids Pump
Extra Heavy Duty
Air Operated-Vacuum Loading
High Solids Content Transfer
The Solidsvac SV100-SPDK is designed to reliably handle any flowable sludge and slurry and is ideally suited where submersible, centrifugal and diaphragm pumps are not a viable option.

Designed to offer the operator a one man vacuum recovery pressure discharge unit capable of recovering and transferring almost any flowable material, the extra heavy duty twin 100mm (4”) suction and discharge knife gate valves deliver outstanding performance in the capture and transfer of heavy flowable sludges with high solids content.

100% air powered, the all new compact, fully automatic, robust and fully mobile SV100-SPDK, generates 22.5”Hg+ of vacuum and can be used in a wide range of applications including mining and industrial.
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